Business Education for the solo business owner

By FredrickHobbs

Let’s face it, many folks that start their own solo business are first time entrepreneurs. They have no history, background, or training in small business development or operation.

That presents a great challenge – one that can certainly be overcome – but one that must be recognized and met head-on.

You see, operating a business is like most other professions. You don’t just declare that you want to be in business for yourself and all of a sudden possess all the skills and knowledge that you need to be successful.

A doctor, lawyer, chef, or auto mechanic needs training and education in order to be skilled enough to be considered a professional.

Think for a moment about the solo businessman. The hats he (or she) wears are many and often they sit one on top of the other.

The solo owner is the product developer, the operations manager, the customer service representative, the bookkeeper, the public relations manager, the webmaster, the copywriter, the company spokesperson, and often many other business personalities all rolled into one!

No roles can be delegated and none can be ignored or the business will be crippled in some way. The work has to be done and it all depends upon the owner.

So, if you are not versed in the skills and talents of a solo business operator, how do you learn what needs to be accomplished?

How do you get the training necessary and the business education of an MBA when you first start out as a solo owner?

Obviously, any professional training courses that you might be able to attend will be invaluable to your education.

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Places where such courses are offered include the local university, a home town community college, the local small business development center or SBA office, and of course, online in one of the many business training programs available.

Books, online courses, video (and audio) training is also available. Trying to figure out which course or product is best for your own situation can be a challenge.

And one of the greatest resources ever is the personal business mentor that is willing to work with you. He can share his perspective, his experience, knowledge, and real-life examples that you will not find elsewhere.

But you know what? Ninety percent of the solo business owners just starting out will not take advantage of any of these resources!

On-the-job training is usually the default education that most new business owners resort to. And believe it or not, that’s not all bad!

Often the quickest way to learn something is to get tossed head-first into the middle of a problem or experience and sink or swim – be forced to figure out what needs to be done and how to do it.

As you contemplate what you can do to prepare to be a solo business owner, you would do well to do an evaluation of the professional business skills that you possess to see where you might be lacking — then work very had to plug any holes that are there with the resources that we have mentioned . . . in other words, compensate for your own deficiencies!

Author: Jeremy Collins, business writer at

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