Exchange Server 2010 Certification Path for the Information Technology Professional

By FredrickHobbs

Exchange server 2010 certification path was designed specifically with the information technology professional in mind. Certification paths are available for exchange server 2007, and exchange server 2010, as off the writing of this article.

Being certified in exchange server will let prospective employers know that you have the skills, and abilities necessary to manage and install an enterprise messaging system. Certification paths when followed correctly, along with many dedicated hours of study will lead to examination passes.

Hopefully, if you are searching for information on how to become exchange server certified, you are probably not new to exchange server. If you are new to exchange server I will assume that you have already done your research on what an exchange server is all about. In the event you have not done your research, I will briefly explain.

Basically, exchange server is a client and server application that was designed for the enterprise, to run its mission critical email system.

To be successful as an exchange administrator it is advisable that you always strive to upgrade your certification to the latest available certification, once you have achieved it.

If your certification is not upgraded, you will not be marketable, and your skills will become obsolete.

Levels of Certifications

The exchange server 2010 certification path consists of four level of certification. The four parts, or levels consist of the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists, Microsoft Certified IT Professional, Microsoft Certified Master, and the Microsoft Certified Architect.

The first two certifications in exchange are very easy to achieve, if followed correctly. The other two parts require much more time, and in-depth study.

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Paths to becoming certified as an exchange server professional will change, as the creator of the exchange product releases new updates to their software.

Using a planned certification path will simplify the direction that you should take in becoming certified, in any computer technology subject, not only exchange server.

To achieve the best success when preparing for an exchange server exam, it is advisable that you follow the certification path that were designed by the creator of the certification.

This is true with any certification track. The manufacture of the certification track always knows the best path to take in order to pass their certification examination.

To achieve the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists certification, or M-C-T-S certification, you are required to sit and pass one examination. The number of the exam is 77-662, and the name is “TS Configuring Microsoft Exchange server”.

The Microsoft Certified IT Professional, or M-C-I-T-P exam is the second level of IT certification for exchange server 2010. To obtain certification for this exam, you are required to sit and pass exam number 70-663 entitled, “Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010”.

To prepare for a successful pass in either of the first two examination tracks, Microsoft has recommended that you either seek to do Classroom Training, E-learning, or use a Microsoft Press Book for examination preparation.

If you are on a budget, purchasing a Microsoft Press Book will be less costly than the other two options. The only drawback of using the press books would be that you will have to put together and install some sort of virtual lab using virtual machines, to complete the exercises in the book. If you are not one of those technically advanced individuals, this would present a challenge.

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E-learning can be used in place of not being able to prepare a lab to complete the exercises, using the Microsoft Press Books. Virtual machines are automatically included online when doing the e-learning studies, to prepare for the examination. If you are a person that learns by simulations, this kind of training may work best for you.

Normally with the five days of Classroom Training option, you may be required to travel to another town, or city to complete the training. In my opinion, if you are able to afford classroom training, then I highly recommend this option.

With this option, you are able to ask the instructor as many questions as you wish during the training. This will help in the understanding of the material much better. No need to worry about putting together any virtual machines. The virtual machines are included as a part of the course to complete the exercises. Virtual machines are prepared using physical host machines.

When I mentioned host machines I am referring to a very large and powerful computer system that has many virtual machines installed. Virtual machines running on physical host machines can cut the cost of running many computers on its own physical machine tremendously.

Even though these preparation tools are suggested by Microsoft for successful completion of the exams, many other persons have successfully passed these examinations by using other preparation tools, and instructional materials not recommended by Microsoft.

To locate other preparation tools and exam training solutions for either of the first two exams, all you have to do is type the keywords, “exchange server 2010 exam preparation “, into the search engines like Google or Bing, and you will be amazed of what other materials are available on the internet, to train for this exam.

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The third level of certification for exchange server 2010 is the Microsoft Certified Master, or M-C-M. The requirement for certification for this level is slightly more difficult than the other two levels.

Before attempting to pass the M-C-M, you should have already achieved the first two certifications in the track.

You are required to attend a training course that normally takes about three weeks in duration to complete, and also sit and pass three computerized examinations during the training. Then you will also have to pass a final lab examination for successful completion.

The fourth and last level of certification is the Microsoft Certified Architect, or M-C-A. All you have to do in order to achieve this certification is pass the M-C-A Board Exam.

The first three parts of the track is also required for entry into this program. This exam is conducted by Microsoft, and other professionals working with exchange server.

Exchange server 2010 Certification path is the best path to follow if you really want to be successful in any exchange examination.

If you enjoyed this article, then you may also like reading another article that I have written entitled, Exchange Server Certification []