Finding Suitable Printable Certificates

By FredrickHobbs

Printable certificates are of different types and purposes. Where you should be looking for the right ones depends on what you are looking for. For all intents and purposes, a printable certificate should look real, presentable and authentic.

If you want printable certificates for kids, then you can easily find several online websites that offer them for free. These websites feature certain groups of certificates that belong to different categories of awards. Now you have two primary options. First option is to have a printable certificate that has blank spaces left for you to enter the awardee’s name. In such certificates there would also be blank entries for the awarder and the reason for which the award is given. Usually such blank printable certificates are used for occasions where the participants are given other prizes in combination with the certificates.

If you do not want anything handwritten on your printed certificate copies, then you need certificates with personalized formats. In other words, these certificates allow you to enter the name of the recipient, the awarder or the purpose of the award into its template before printing the certificate. If you have a long list of awardees, it would be easier if you opt for blank certificates as you can have them printed fast. But if you need only limited number of certificates, you can personalize each certificate and have them printed separately.

You should check out various templates listed available through these online stores to choose the one best suited for your purpose. You would be surprised to find that there are certificates meant for over hundreds of categories that range from certification for classroom attendance to award for most helpful student.

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These certificates are not merely targeted at students or kids, they are for everyone. For instance, there are several award certificates stating performance of employees in various departments of their office. There is lot of demand for official certificates as they play a vital role in motivating the employees and workers in an organization.

Then there are certificates customized for games like football, baseball, tennis, volleyball, etc; the list is endless. They come with special entry spaces for scores and points depending on the game’s policies.

Different certificate templates offer different levels of flexibility with regards to formatting and designing. Certain templates do not allow the user to change the border designs or background patterns. Sometimes, there will be options only for changing the fonts and color scheme. It all depends on the sophistication allowed by the online store or website you are using.

If you want highly customizable certificates, you should look for paid ones. These certificates come at a nominal price of $3 to $5 and they offer lot of features with regards to designing and data fields. You may also buy legal printable certificates that act as agreements or bonds when signed by the parties.