What are the three basic human rights?

By FredrickHobbs

Clean drinking water

I believe that the availability of clean drinking water should be a universal human right accepted by all cultures because of the safety concern in drinking contaminated water. Contaminated water caused by pollution through chemicals, raw sewage, etc. causes health concerns throughout the world, from poisoning to parasites and other complications. There are cultures in the world that consume contaminated water on a regular basis because there is no source for fresh water, or they do not have the means or technology to produce a form of clean drinking water, even though they know that many of their people become ill because of it.

Although this may not be agreed on by others, I believe that those cultures who wish to have clean drinking water should be taught different ways of creating or finding clean drinking water by those from cultures who have the knowledge to do so. The reason I do not believe this would be agreed on by everyone is because this method would be a type of integration of one culture by another culture. Even though it may seem as though there would be no ramifications or change in integrating the technology or knowledge on production of clean water, there could be (such as longer life spans which could impact on the ages when children are conceived and even the type of work they do in their community, etc.). Currently there are groups such as the Peace Corps and missionaries that seek help for the better welfare of these cultures (you might see them on television asking you to send money).

See also  Human Rights and Iron-Fisted Leaders

Sanitary and safe living conditions

I consider having sanitary and safe living conditions to be a universal human right as well. In some cultures individuals live or work hand in hand with garbage and waste, and develop infections, diseases, become sick and even die because of the unsanitary conditions. As well as the conditions being unsanitary, there are also places where people live and work that are unsafe. The ability to be protected from nature through some sort of shelter should definitely be considered a universal human right. The reason that I feel this way is because there are places where there are inadequate structures that do not protect from heat, cold, rain, snow, etc. This in some cases causes sickness, and death.

The availability of medical supplies/treatment

Regardless of culture, if someone is ill they should have the universal right to be able to seek medical treatment, or use medical supplies (in whatever form they make take, be it plants, rituals, etc.) The reason I feel this way is because people become ill every day, and the ability to heal oneself has been a way of prolonging a person’s lifespan, and if a person can have a means that will cure them of whatever ails them, they should be allowed to use it, or find someone who can make them better.

For the most part I believe that all three of these should be accepted as universal human rights because they involve the health and wellness of individuals in any type of society and any culture. The right to live is surely the most basic of human rights.

See also  The UN's Declaration of Human Rights - Critique