You Are Not Alone In Your After 50 Career Change!

By FredrickHobbs

You are not alone in your after 50 career change.

After 50 is becoming more the norm as more people this age are planning to change or changing careers. It wasn’t too long age that it was more common for people to stay in the same career and perhaps the same job for close to their entire working life.

Moreover, there is the financial component to consider in the career changes. With Social Security becoming more unstable every day, with employers eliminating defined-benefit pension plans there is an increasing financial need to continued working. And with working longer there is added motivation to be doing something where there is increased satisfaction from the job and career.

Career change in the over 50 group is increasing. Some of the main reasons are the large numbers in the group, increased career opportunities, more careers being designed and created every day and the extended working careers as people are living longer.

With all this potential career change activity after age 50 there are a growing number of good career opportunities that, with the right career planning and positioning can lead to a more satisfying career. In a large number of situations the career changer after 50 can also get a long-term boost in income.

So as interests, skills, abilities and financial requirements evolve as people get older it is not difficult to understand why there is a growing number of over 50 career changers. In addition, many current retirees find that retirement is not all they thought so they plan on re-entering the workforce.

See also  Career Planning After 50 - Mid-Life Career Change Tips

With less and less jobs requiring physical effort career opportunities for those over 50 is steadily increasing. Also, the explosion of the means and the vehicles of added learning is keeping pace with many of the career skill requirements.

Also, since learning is not longer limited to formal classroom type training the over 50 job changer has almost unlimited sources of adding to their skills and knowledge. Distance learning, self-study, seminars and workshops, tele-conferences, and career related conferences are just a few of the ways the older career changer can acquire the necessary skills and experience to qualify for a new career.

There is plethora of current job hunting resources that a few years age were not available, were too costly or were out of date shortly after they were printed. The internet has opened up career research, job sources, job hunting techniques and the important opportunities to network with like-minded career changers.

Further, many employers recognize the value of the over 50 worker and actively recruit them. The career changer after 50 has to be creative in how to communicate their transferable skills to the new career and demonstrate how they will bring value to the employer.

So even after 50, it’s really never too late to learn new skills and go after a dream job in a new career. If not financially rewarding the personal rewards are too great to pass up.